Junior Kindergarten Critical Areas

CRITICAL AREA #1: Developing an understanding of whole numbers to 10, including concepts of one-to-one correspondence, counting, cardinality (the number of items in a set), and comparison
Young children begin counting and quantifying numbers up to 10. They begin with oral counting and recognition of numerals and word names for numbers. Experience with counting naturally leads to quantification. Children count objects and learn that the sizes, shapes, positions, or purposes of objects do not affect the total number of objects in the group. One-to-one correspondence matches each element of one set to an element of another set, providing a foundation for the comparison of groups and the development of comparative language such as more than, less than, and equal to.

The standards below relate to this Critical Area:

Counting and Cardinality PK.CC
Know number names and the counting sequence.


Counting and Cardinality PK.CC
Count to tell the number of objects.


Counting and Cardinality PK.CC
Compare numbers


Operations and Algebraic Thinking PK.OA
Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.


CRITICAL AREA #2: Recognizing two-dimensional shapes, describing spatial relationships, and sorting and classifying objects by one or more attributes.

Young children explore shapes and the relationships among them. They identify the attributes of different shapes, including length, area, and weight, by using vocabulary such as long, short, tall, heavy, light, big, small, wide, narrow. They compare objects using comparative language such as longer/shorter, same length, heavier/lighter. They explore and create 2- and 3-dimensional shapes by using various manipulative and play materials such as popsicle sticks, blocks, pipe cleaners, and pattern blocks. They sort, categorize, and classify objects and identify basic 2-dimensional shapes using the appropriate language.

The standards below relate to this Critical Area:

Measurement and Data PK.MD
Describe and compare measurable attributes.


Measurement and Data PK.MD
Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category.


Measurement and Data PK.MD
Work with money.


Geometry PK.G
Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles).


Geometry PK.G
Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes.


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