July 11th, members of CPS Administrative Response Teams and
representatives of the Cambridge Police Department attended a morning
workshop focused on emergency response tabletop training exercises. The
first scenario involved the intentional release of toxic chemicals by a
distraught high school student at CRLS. The second involved a food born
illness that struck multiple members of an elementary school but was
ultimately traced to a non-school related event. During each scenario,
teams were given new or updated information, to make it more realistic
as they planned their response.
This was the final training
funded by the federal emergency procedures planning grant. The grant
ends August 31st. As a result of the grant, the district has:
- updated Emergency Administrative Procedures;
- updated Emergency Classroom Procedures;
- added a link on the CPS website for staff, parents, and students on school safety and emergency procedures;
- and installed emergency “go kits” in every classroom and office.
all school based Administrative Response Team members have been trained
in the new procedures. All faculty and staff throughout the district
have been trained in lock down drills and other protective actions
schools can take in an emergency.
A survey of staff and students indicates awareness of emergency
procedures has greatly increased throughout the district over the last
two years.