Student schedules will meet district guidelines described in the graphics below.
- Students should have access to meaningful and productive learning experiences equivalent to the length of a typical school day, every day.
- Student schedules will include a variety of experiences, including live experiences with educators, small group instruction, and independent learning activities.
- Student schedules will be well-rounded including time for core content areas, specials, supervised peer interaction, social emotional learning support, and movement.
- Schedules will include screen breaks.
- Educators will send weekly emails to students and caregivers with a preview for the week.
See below for district guidelines on what caregivers can expect for schedules for your child(ren)'s grade level. Each school will provide families with student schedules. Scheduling is a complex effort that requires detailed information about family plans for in-person or remote learning, and staff plans about their return-to-work.

Your school will provide detailed information about your student’s schedule.