Notes for All Parents

Cambridge Public Schools and Eastern Bus Company reserve the right to assign seats to all students at any given time. Failure to comply with such requests will result in immediate removal from the bus and the possibility of suspending the student's busing privileges indefinitely.

No unauthorized adults are allowed on our buses: we need you to cooperate with us to provide safe and efficient transportation for all children. Please review the rules that are outlined here with your children and make sure that they understand what is expected of them while they are boarding, riding and leaving the school bus.

Please remind your young children not to get off the bus unless they recognize whomever is scheduled to meet them. Make sure that your child's school has a current emergency contact name and telephone number so that the Safety/ Security office and/ or the Transportation office can reach you when necessary.

Transportation office hours are Monday-Friday, 7AM to 4:45PM; for information please call 617.349.6862. In an emergency, after 4:45PM, please call 617.349.6772, the Safety and Security Office, located at CRLS, 459 Broadway, Cambridge. Your child MAY be dropped off at the Safety and Security Office for one of the following reasons:

  • Parent or authorized adult or older sibling not at bus stop to meet their K-2 child;
  • Child fell asleep on the bus or forgot to get off at correct stop;
  • You may have forgotten that it is an “Early Release Day;”
  • Your child got on the wrong bus;
  • Your child was disruptive and was therefore dropped at the Security Office.


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