Eleventh Grade Curriculum

In United States History II (1877-present), students analyze Reconstruction, post Civil War industrial growth, America’s international diplomatic relations, the Progressive Movement, the New Deal and the various factors that led to the United States’s entry into World War I and II. Students consider the consequences of both wars and their impact on American life. Students explore the causes and course of the Cold War, the Civil Rights movement, and other recent events and trends that have shaped the modern-day United States.

Units of Study Year-Long Essential Questions

Role of Government in American Progress (1877–1910s)

  • Industrialization
  • Immigration
  • Urbanization
  • Westward Expansion
  • Segregation and Jim Crow
  • Conflict & Compromise: How have conflicts and compromises shaped the history of the United States?

  • People & Government: How have individuals and groups shaped the history of the United States and their government?

  • American Identity: How has the American identity evolved over the course of history? Why are some people included and others excluded?

  • Inequality and Change: How has inequality led people to work for change?

  • Expansion and Progress: How have the ideas of expansion and progress shaped US history?
Progressive Era
Imperialism and WWI
Roaring Twenties, Great Depression and New Deal
World War II
Cold War and 1950s
Civil Rights Movement

All US2 students complete a range of Common Core-aligned writing assessments, including at least one research paper with multiple sources and MLA citations. Examples of 11th grade writing assignments include:

  • legal brief for a landmark Supreme Court case
  • preparation for Congressional testimony
  • argumentative essay on role of government in the American economy
  • nomination for award to outstanding Progressive Era leader
  • Document Based Question on the 1920's
  • research paper on the legacy of the War on Poverty
  • oral history research assignment from Library of Congress veterans' archive
  • speech introducing a civil rights activist or group
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