Letter from Dr. Greer: March 2017

Dear Cambridge Community,

I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather during February vacation week. As I have been out in buildings this week and spoken with teachers, principals, students and families; many of you took some really great vacations both in-state, out-of-state and out-of the country. I know it was time well spent and rest that was well deserved. 

As we enter this part of the school year, excitement begins to bubble as the weather is warming, students are preparing for prom and graduation, parents are planning summer vacations and activities for their students and teachers are continuing teaching and preparing their students to matriculate to the next grade; let’s not forget to reflect and refine our practice, support one another’s work and celebrate our successes. 

The Office of Student Services (OSS) have completed all of the Upper School grade level transition meetings which have been a success. We believe that sending and receiving schools have worked very hard to set students up for success and provide the department with the needed information to prepare for students who will be entering ninth grade next year. We are continuing with elementary transition meetings over the next few weeks which includes the students who will transition to sixth grade and kindergarten. We are very hopeful that schools will be well prepared to understand the needs of the students that will be coming to them. After the teams have completed the transition meetings, the OSS leadership team will meet with school principals and district leadership to review information that was shared about the students during the transition meetings, it is our intention to be thoughtful, intentional and collaborative so that each student is set-up for success. 

In this edition of our newsletter, we are proud to celebrate women’s history month and highlight those who have contributed to the success of our nation and encourage us to recognize the contributions that women make to this world. In addition, we have shared important information and details about the OSS summer programs and we want to highlight that we will have a table setup at the Summer program fair on March 9 at CRLS Media Cafeteria. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter and thank you for your work and support of our students.

Make It Great!!

Victoria L. Greer, PhD 

Assistant Superintendent
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