As you have all heard by now, CPS will be moving from FirstClass to Gmail for all school email on July 1, 2017. The planning for this change has been going on for quite some time. We are confident that the majority of CPS users will be very happy with the move to Gmail. Although ICTS was extremely thorough in the pre-planning, there will be unexpected issues that crop up after the cut over.
I encourage you all to take some time over the summer to become familiar with the new Gmail for CPS and take advantage of the many opportunities for support and training as needed.
Some individuals have raised concerns over the security and protections of CPS data in the Google Suite for Education. Although previously shared, I think it is important to reiterate the fact that CPS employs additional tools to ensure the protection of our data;
Backupify - Ensures each CPS G-Suite account is backed up. Each user can restore their own files, by clicking on Backupify in the G-Suites App Waffle.
CloudLock - Provides an extra layer of security around CPS G-Suite Domain. This envelope of security continuously monitors and potentially blocks inappropriate access and sharing of sensitive data.
Airwatch - Allows CPS Staff to install CPS G-Suite on a personal device. This will allow CPS to ensure that CPS email and documents are secure and can be removed once the phone has been compromised or staff leaves the district.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to ICTS, or me personally. We are all very excited about this transition and we strive to make this change as smooth as possible for all.
Have a great summer!