Update Contact Workflow FAQs

How long will it take to see the changes?
The school receives your information immediately, but it may take some time for the staff to post the changes. Please allow up to 48 hours to see the changes.

I have more than one child, do I have to use the workflow for each student?
No. Once the school receives and then posts your updates, it will automatically update the information for your other children.

Why can’t I see my child’s other contact/(parent) information?
The contact workflow only allows you to see your contact information. If there are additional contacts, they should log in to view and update their own information.

Why am I listed together with my child’s other parent?
In order to help us streamline record keeping, family groupings and accounts, contacts that share a household are listed as one entity in the Aspen. Contacts that live in separate households are listed as separate contacts and each person must log in and update their own information.

How can I view the information to see whether or not it has been updated?
If you are the contact the student resides with, you can call the school to request an updated emergency card be published to your Aspen account. You can also go through the workflow steps again to view the phone numbers an email addresses.
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