Every student in CPS has a Student ID#, which is used for many of our online services. Some ways to find your child's ID# are:
- Check your mail. Families who do not have an Aspen account will be mailed their Student ID# each year during the summer, to ensure that you can access all of our online services.
- Ask your child. Most students memorize their ID# during elementary school.
- (During the school year) Call the school. To protect student privacy, the student ID# can not be emailed, because email is not a secure form of communication. However, if you call the school and verify your identity they can look it up for you.
(Grades 6 - 12) Check Aspen. Families are issued Aspen accounts once their children start Grade 6. You can find your child’s Student ID# by logging into Aspen and clicking on the “Family” tab.