Welcome Back, Distance Learning Tips, Other Updates

Welcome Back, Distance Learning Tips, Other Updates
Posted on 04/27/2020

Dear CPS Community,

I hope your family had a restful and enjoyable April vacation, despite our current circumstances.

TipsResources to get back into the groove of “CPS @ Home”
The first week “back-to-schooling” after April vacation is a great opportunity to recommit to good learning habits at home. We’ve updated the How to Support Learning at Home page of the CPS @ Home website with new Distance Learning Tips for CPS Families, including strategies for younger (Grades JK-5) and older (Grades 6-12) students.

We’ve also added new questions and updated answers to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page of our website, and we’ll continue to update them as information becomes available.

Emergency closure update
As we reported last week, Governor Baker announced that school buildings in Massachusetts will remain closed for the rest of the school year. The state has shared updated guidance for how to approach the rest of the school year; we will provide more information soon. Please remember that although our facilities are closed, our school year continues. CPS educators continue to support students and families in distance learning. It’s important for our students to stay engaged and learning every school day!

Where do we go from here?
We’re busy making plans for the remainder of the school year, the summer, and the fall. As we await additional guidance from state officials, we’re developing strategies to (1) ensure the health and safety of all students and adults when school buildings eventually reopen, and (2) provide the additional academic and social emotional supports that students will need after an extended period out of classrooms. We will continue to seek your input and keep you updated on these plans.

Family survey
Thank you to everyone who took a few minutes to answer the brief 6-question survey about your family’s needs and experiences during the emergency closure. There is still time, so if you haven’t already, look for the email from our survey partner, Panorama, and share your thoughts. Our team is reviewing the responses to identify additional ways to support CPS families.

Stay connected
For the latest news and information:

Thank you, and have a great week!

Kenneth N. Salim, Ed.D.

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