Celebrating Class of 2021, No School Friday - Juneteenth, Reminders

Celebrating Class of 2021, No School Friday - Juneteenth, Reminders
Posted on 06/15/2021

CRLS Class of 2021
Dear CPS Community,

Congratulations to the Class of 2021! We had the honor of celebrating our seniors last week at the graduation ceremonies for the High School Extension Program and Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. This week, we look forward to doing the same for our 8th grade students at each upper school. We congratulate this very special class of students on their hard work and accomplishments during an extraordinarily challenging year.

A reminder that there will be no school this Friday, June 18th in observance of Juneteenth, an official Massachusetts state holiday that commemorates the day in 1865 when officials in Texas issued an order freeing the remaining people held in slavery, more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation. There are several local events scheduled to celebrate Juneteenth, including a celebration through the arts in Starlight Square, from 11AM-4PM, hosted by the Cambridge Families of Color Coalition.

Juneteenth is a day for celebration, and also an opportunity to confront the racial inequity that persists today in our country. I am proud of our collective commitment to understand the root causes of inequity and advance racial equity. Over the last five years CPS has taken important steps, including adopting definitions of equity and racial equity, detracking classrooms through the Level Up and Enhanced Math initiatives, diversifying our teaching force and school/district leadership, building capacity around culturally responsive instruction, and launching an Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.

At tomorrow’s School Committee meeting, I will present my recommendation that CPS continue this journey by formally adopting an antiracist vision and mission statements (see below) developed through a community process.

You will also find key updates below:

  1. COVID Testing Schedule Change
  2. We're hungry for feedback! Food & Nutrition Services Survey
  3. Juneteenth Celebration, hosted by Cambridge Families of Color Coalition
  4. Proposed Adoption of Anti-racist Vision and Mission Statement
  5. Reminder: Chromebook Return
  6. City of Cambridge Announces “I Voted Sticker” Designed by CRLS student
  7. Summer Programming Update
  8. Upcoming Meetings & Events


Kenneth N. Salim, Ed.D.

1. COVID Testing Schedule Change
Because there is no school this Friday, the COVID-19 testing schedule will be changed, as follows:

  • Wednesday, June 16 - Testing for Upper school students who are normally tested on Thursdays
  • Thursday, June 17 - Testing for staff and CRLS students (by ProEMS)

2. We're hungry for feedback! Food & Nutrition Services Survey
If you could be the head chef of your school kitchen what changes would you make? Now is your chance to let us know how we can improve our service. Please take a few moments to complete this survey so we can hear from you!

English | Amharic | Bengali | Haitian Creole | Spanish

3. Juneteenth Celebration, hosted by Cambridge Families of Color Coalition
Juneteenth | June 19 | Starlight Square | 11am - 4pm

4. Proposal to Adopt Antiracist Vision and Mission Statements
Superintendent Salim will present the Antiracist vision and mission statements below for formal adoption by the School Committee. During 2020 and 2021, a diverse group of CPS educators, youth, families, administrators and community stakeholders, including many individuals who identify as people of color, worked to develop Antiracist Vision and Mission Statements.
Anti-Racist Vision and Mission Statement. CPS Antiracist Vision Statement: All CPS youth thrive, are empowered, and are liberated through education, learning experiences, and spaces that are antiracist. CPS Antiracist Mission Statement: On the journey to becoming an antiracist school district, the cPS community actively uplifts and collectively holds each other accountable to equitably support our young people and families. We center the voices and prioritize the needs of youth, families, and educators of colors with antiracist decisions, practices, and policies to dismantle historical oppression and to support learning spaces where all students are known, celebrated, empowered, and thrive.

5. Reminder: Return Chromebooks for Summer Checkup
All CPS PK-8 Students should return their Chromebook by the last day of school (June 23) or drop it off at the CPS Helpdesk Window at CRLS (corner of Felton St and Broadway) between 8AM - 4PM on June 24, 25, 28, 29, 30 or July 1 and 2. If your student is participating in a CPS summer program and needs their Chromebook, they can return it at the end of the program. There will be no charge for repairing or replacing damaged Chromebooks or chargers.
All CPS PK-8 Students should return their Chromebook by the last day of school (June 23) or   drop it off at the CPS Helpdesk Window at CRLS (corner of Felton St and Broadway) between 8AM - 4PM on June 24, 25, 28, 29, 30 or July 1 and 2. If your student is participating in a CPS summer program and needs their Chromebook, they can return it at the end of the program. There will be no charge for repairing or replacing damaged Chromebooks or chargers.

6. City of Cambridge Announces “I Voted Sticker” Designed by CRLS student
This fall election season, Cambridge voters will be sporting a new “I Voted Sticker,” designed by CRLS sophomore Evan Garvey as part of a design contest supported by the Office of Mayor Siddiqui, the Family Policy Council, and the Election Commission.
I voted sticker graphic designed by Evan Garvey, sophomore at CRLS
The goal of the design contest was to create a new sticker that reflects the culture, languages, and people of Cambridge. Congratulations to Evan, who’s design was selected out of 55 submissions, as well as runner up designers Tess O'Shaughnessy (Junior), Priya Landrigan (Senior), and Maxwell Berger (Senior).

7. Summer Programming Update
If you haven’t already, explore summer learning and program opportunities available throughout Cambridge. CPS is offering a variety of summer programs designed to provide academic support and enrichment for all students. We are proud of our partnership with Cambridge’s Department of Human Services Programs (DHSP) to offer identified elementary students with full day summer opportunities to support their learning and fun this summer.

8. Upcoming Meetings & Events
June 15 | 6PM School Committee meeting .
June 18 | No School, Juneteenth Observed
June 19 | 11AM - 4PM, Juneteenth Celebration, hosted by Cambridge Families of Color Coalition
June 23 | Last Day of School, Early Release Day
September 9 | First Day of School (See 2021-22 School Calendar)

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