Celebrating Our Principals, Walk to School Day, Travel Policy Reminder

Celebrating Our Principals, Walk to School Day, Travel Policy Reminder
Posted on 10/04/2021

Greetings CPS community!

Dr. GreerAs I share in this week’s video message, I have started my official school visits to meet and problem solve with principals and their teams, observe classrooms, and engage with students and teachers. I am encouraged by what I am experiencing in our schools, especially the engaging learning students are doing indoors and outdoors.

This year we are focusing on using data to inform our instructional practices and implementing high yield instructional strategies to support students to recover and thrive. Our educators are working collaboratively to support students in reacclimating to school life and developing their social and emotional skills to be successful.

Tune in to tomorrow’s School Committee meeting to learn more about Dr. Barbara Mullen, CPS’s new Interim Assistant Superintendent for Student Services.

Thank you again to all the families who participated in our family focus groups last month. If you haven’t already shared your thoughts about the future of CPS, please do so in my family survey.

Make it great!

Dr. Victoria L. Greer
Interim Superintendent
Cambridge Public Schools

Thank you

What are we celebrating this month? Our principals!
In honor of National Principals month, please join me in celebrating the wonderful individuals who lead our schools. We all appreciate our principals who continue to serve as instructional leaders while shepherding their buildings through CPS’s COVID-19 response.

We encourage you to take a moment and share a word of thanks with your principal, or share a story on social media! #ThankAPrincipal @cambridge_cpsd

COVID Questions of the Week
What are CPS’s travel policies?
As the fall travel season picks up, we want to remind you about CPS’s travel policies, which are designed to minimize the likelihood that individuals who have potentially been exposed to COVID will enter CPS buildings. Due to a high community vaccination rate and relatively low infection rate, travel within New England and New York is allowed with no special precautions regardless of vaccination status.

If you travel outside of New England and New York, fully vaccinated individuals can go to school and work, but they must monitor symptoms for 14 days.

Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated individuals who travel outside of New England and NY must quarantine for 7 consecutive days, get tested with a viral (PCR) test 3-5 days after travel, and can return to school on Day 8 with proof of a negative test.

For international travel, vaccinated individuals must self-monitor for symptoms and get tested on day 3-5 upon return. Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated individuals who travel internationally must quarantine for 7 days, get tested with a viral (PCR) test 3-5 days after travel, and may return on the 8th day after returning home from travel with a negative test.

Nutrition Corner: Halal Food Project
LogoTo accommodate more students and dietary restrictions, CPS tries to offer Halal menu options. We currently offer some Halal chicken menu items, including Halal Jamaican Jerk Chicken, Halal Herb Roasted Chicken, and Halal BBQ Chicken, and we're working to be able to offer Halal beef menu items in the future.

In the meantime, CPS is providing more vegetarian options on days we cannot offer Halal meat options. Halal menu items are typically identified as Halal on the school lunch menu, daily ‘What’s for Lunch?’ email to teachers and in ASPEN when teachers are entering lunch orders.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Food and Nutrition Services office at 617.349.6858.

View the October 2021 Breakfast and Lunch Menu >>

Caught Doing Good: PAUS Team
While the Putnam Avenue Upper School (PAUS) experienced many leadership changes this year, the team has come together to launch a great start to the school year. I want to celebrate their visible focus on engaging and rigorous instructional practices to improve student outcomes. Keep up the good work PAUS!

Tobin Montessori Team for being recognized by DESE for the academic success of their third graders. Tobin Montessori is ranked #3 in the State of Massachusetts in ELA and Math and ranked #12 in the state for all elementary schools in Massachusetts. This is a tremendous accomplishment and is a result of the collaboration between their teachers, instructional coaches and their principal. Keep up the good work Tobin!

Featured Events & Resources
Safe Routes to SchoolsNational Walk to School Day
On Wednesday, October 6, schools around the country celebrate National Walk to School Day.

Check out this interactive walking map of “Safe Routes to School” interactive walking map from the City of Cambridge.

STEAM It Up! Cambridgewide K-8 Family STEAM Night
Thursday, October 21 | 6 - 8PM
Pemberton Tennis courts

Are you curious about all the science, technology, engineering, art and math that exists in the world around you? Have you ever wanted to observe and learn from real insect specimens? Maybe you'd like to engineer a terrifically tall tower? Come join local STEAM providers for a fun filled evening. More Information >>

Calendar Highlights

  • Monday, October 11 | Indigenous Peoples Day: No School and CPS Offices Closed
  • Thursday, October 21 | 6-8PM: STEAM It Up! Cambridgewide K-8 Family STEAM Night
  • Saturday, October 16 | 10AM - 12PM: CPS Community Fair, outside Peabody School
  • Wednesday, October 20 | Early Release Day, Grades JK-8 (Schools dismiss 2 hours early)
  • November 4 | Diwali begins

In Case You Missed It: Key Resources

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