Open Now: Submit your student’s vaccination info

Open Now: Submit your student’s vaccination info
Posted on 11/08/2021

VAX Portal

Family Portal Open Now!
Submit your student's vaccination information
(For students 12+ years old)

CPS is requiring all students ages 12+ to be fully vaccinated in order to participate in CPS-sponsored before and afterschool activities, including athletics, clubs, visual and performing arts programs, and school-sponsored social events.

  • Fully vaccinated means 14 days have passed since the final dose of the vaccine.
  • Students will have two months from their 12th birthday to comply with the requirements.
  • CPS has not yet established a timeline for vaccination requirements for students ages 5 - 11.
  • Students may join or rejoin an activity once they are fully vaccinated.

There are three ways to submit students’ vaccination information or exemption requests.

Beginning Monday, November 8, at 5pm, families can submit information via the Family Portal.
Students ages 18+ may submit their information through a special student link via the Family Portal.
Students and families may provide printed copies of their vaccination information or exemption requests to school as follows:

  • The athletics office
  • The Visual and Performing Arts office
  • High School students: your Learning Community clerk
  • Upper Schools students: your school clerk

Families may request exemptions for medical or religious reasons or for students with special needs.

  • Religious Exemption: Explanation in writing from a parent/guardian that a vaccine conflicts with their sincerely held religious belief (in alignment with state law)
  • Medical Exemption: Clear documentation from a doctor or health care provider of a medical condition that makes vaccination risky or unsafe.
  • Students with special needs: Clear documentation from a doctor or health care provider of an issue that would serve as a barrier to vaccination.

Please be patient as we work together to collect and review student vaccination information.

  • We prefer you submit information electronically through the Family Portal to reduce paperwork for our very busy staff.
  • If you have already submitted your proof of vaccination to your school nurse, you DO NOT need to resubmit this information.
  • It will take some time for our school teams, including our school nurses, to review and approve vaccination information for our students.
Vaccination deadlines are different for different activities.

To participate in these CPS-Sponsored Before or Afterschool Activities (including practices, rehearsals, meetings, gatherings, performances, games, or competitions):
Students ages 12+ must be vaccinated by:
School-sponsored social events
November 29, 2021
Intramural and Interscholastic Athletics that begin after 11/29/21
November 29, 2021
Visual & Performing Arts (VPA) programs/activities that begin after 1/3/22
January 3, 2022
CPS-sponsored clubs that began in the fall semester (between 9/9/21 - 12/30/21) and continue after 1/3/22
January 3, 2022
CPS-sponsored clubs that begin after 1/3/22
January 3, 2022
VPA programs/activities that begin before 11/5/21 and have concluding activities tied to the end of the first semester. Vaccination requirements do not apply
Students participating in credit-bearing VPA courses with afterschool requirements including rehearsals and performances
Vaccination requirements do not apply
Students participate in selected school-based academic programs designed for specific instructional purposes supporting English language learners or students with special needs.
Vaccination requirements do not apply
Students participating in after-school activities taking place at CPS facilities that are sponsored or conducted by any non-CPS organization such as the Department of Human Services Program (DHSP), nonprofit organizations, or other third parties.
Vaccination requirements do not apply
Field trips, in alignment with the field trip policy described COVID-19 Safety and Facilities Manual.
Vaccination requirements do not apply

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