Greetings Cambridge Community!
I hope you enjoyed the long weekend.
I want to thank everyone who joined us last week for the first of our community engagement budget meetings. I encourage students, staff and families to join us for future sessions, which are scheduled through mid-February. I look forward to working through this process with you and appreciate your time and value your input as we look ahead to 2023.
I am looking forward to tonight’s School Committee meeting, where Dr. Barbara Mullen, our interim Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, will share the findings from her entry process.
As we continue to work together to manage the COVID-19 surge, I encourage members of our community to get vaccinated and boosted, wear high-quality masks and stay vigilant. We continue to update our COVID-19 quarantine protocols in alignment with emerging guidance, and are working with the Cambridge Public Health Department to improve our testing and case management systems. As we learn more about today’s announcement from Governor Baker about weekly at-home tests, we will provide more information.
Have a wonderful week.
Make it Great!
Dr. Victoria L. Greer
Interim Superintendent
Cambridge Public Schools

Questions about the COVID vaccine?
Prospect Hill Academy Charter School and Boston Medical Center
are hosting a panel with leading experts tonight from 6 - 7PM. Register
SAVE THE DATE: FY23 Budget Development - Community Meetings & Survey
CPS invites students, families and staff to Save-the-Date for the FY23 Budget Virtual Community Meetings, where members of the CPS community can join Superintendent Greer and School Committee members to share their perspectives on the development of the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget.
Wednesday, January 26
- Bengali speaking families | 6PM
- Haitian Creole speaking families | 7PM
- Arabic speaking families | 8PM
Students: Thursday, January 27 | 11:30AM and 12:30PM
Staff: Wednesday, February 2 | 3 and 4PM
Thursday February 3
- Amharic speaking families | 6PM
- Spanish speaking families | 7PM
- Cambridge family organizations | 8PM
Saturday, February 12 | 10 and 11AM
Each session will last approximately one hour. Register here.
CPS Recruiting Substitute Teachers!

CPS is recruiting day-to-day substitute teachers for all grade levels and for Special Education. Applicants must complete a CORI check, be fingerprinted and vaccinated.
- Bachelor’s Degree requirement waived for the 2021-2022 school year.
- Must have some educational experience
- Pay Rate: $161.59/day
City of Cambridge Scholarship Program Celebrates 30 Years!
The City of Cambridge Scholarship Program is accepting applications!
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Scholarship Fund, which provides financial assistance to college-bound high school seniors and other Cambridge residents who wish to pursue post-secondary education.
Apply at Cambridgema.gov/cityscholarship
DEADLINE: Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be a resident of Cambridge
- Must be attending, received admittance to or have an application pending at an accredited education institution beyond high school level prior to award date of May 2022
- Scholarship is paid directly to education institution and must be used during the 2022-2023 academic year.
- Prior recipients are NOT eligible as the City Scholarship Award is one-time only.
UPDATED COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine Protocols

As a reminder, we have further clarified our COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine Protocols for students and staff following some additional guidance and input. Please review the update thoroughly.
Questions? Please contact your school nurse.
COVID-19 Vaccine, Booster Shot and Testing Opportunities
CPS COVID Vaccination Requirement: CPS requires all students 12 and older to participate in CPS-sponsored before and after school activities. Submit your vaccination through the secure Family Portal to participate.
COVID Vaccination Opportunities:
- COVID-19 vaccines available for CRLS students at Teen Health Center: Every Friday from 9AM - 1PM, Appointment required-call 617-665-1548 or stop by center
- Go to VaxFinder to find a location near you.
- VaxAbilities hosts disability-friendly vaccine clinics with specialized staff to provide skilled support to individuals with disabilities and sensory support needs. Register here for upcoming clinics, including this Friday from 1:30 - 8PM at the Boston Museum of Science.
COVID Testing Opportunities: The City of Cambridge offers free COVID-19 testing to residents and workers at CIC Health (295 Third Street).
- Appointment required (Monday - Friday: 5 - 10PM, Saturdays: 8AM - 8PM, Sundays: 2 - 8PM)
Free Internet for Qualifying Families
Cambridge Public Schools continues to partner with Comcast’s Internet Essentials Program to close the digital divide and connect CPS families to free internet. Eligible families can receive free internet service through June 30, 2022.
Your family is eligible if:
- Qualify for Free & Reduced Lunch
- Live in a Cambridge zip code where Comcast Internet Service is available.
- Have not had Comcast Internet Service in the last 90 days.
- Households who owe money to Comcast may still qualify if approved by 6/30/22
Eligible families should use the personalized voucher code they received by email on Thursday, December 16 to apply online at InternetEssentials.com or call 844-963-0178. If you need help in applying, please contact your student’s family liaison.
For more information, visit our website.
Caught Doing Good
RAUC 8th grade civics teacher, Mr. Trainor, was recently profiled in U.S. News and World Report’s Teaching Civics After January 6th.
Over the past few years, Mr. Trainor and other CPS 8th grade civics teachers have collaborated closely with Harvard's Democratic Knowledge Project to create, implement and refine a new curriculum called Civic Education in our Democracy that aligns with the 2018 HSS Framework and includes the state-required student-led civic engagement project.
This curriculum has been recognized by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) for its high quality and was one of only four core civics curriculum materials of nearly 100 reviewed that met DESE’s expectations.
Congratulations to Mr. Trainor and RAUC!
Are you proud of something happening in your school, classroom or program? Share your
“Caught Doing Good” story with [email protected].
Featured Events
2022-23 JK/K Lottery

The JK/K Lottery for the 2022-2023 school year is open and will close promptly at 4PM on Monday, January 31. All registrations must be fully completed, including all language testing to determine eligibility for Program Language Bonus points.
Cambridge Families of Color Coalition (CFCC): Community Gathering

Tuesday, February 8 | 6:30-8PM
School Calendar
CPS 2021-22 School calendar
Monday, February 21 - Friday, February 25 | February Break
Wednesday, March 16 | Early Release Day - JK-8 Only
Monday, April 18 - Friday, April 22 | April Break
In Case You Missed It
January CPS Lunch Menu: Week 3 (January 18-January 21)
UPDATED: COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine Protocols
COVID-19 Testing Consent Forms: Log in to the Family Portal
Student Vaccination Portal: Upload proof of vaccination or submit exemption requests through the secure Family Portal.
Student Vaccination Requirements Information: FAQ
CPS Quarantine Instructional Guidelines for SY2021-22