Greetings Cambridge Community!
I hope you had a safe weekend and found some time to play in the snow. We haven’t had a storm like that in quite some time. I am hopeful this was the first and only one for this year.
Our community budget meetings continue this week with two staff sessions on Wednesday and sessions for our Amharic and Spanish-speaking families on Thursday. We are asking all of our families and staff to please complete this year’s budget survey by Friday, February 12. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and has been helpful in our planning efforts.
The February vacation week is fast approaching. We are in the process of finalizing our at-home COVID testing plan for the break. I will share more information about our plans for the vacation week and for our school testing protocols with the School Committee tomorrow evening. Stay tuned!
Stay warm and have a wonderful week.
Make it Great!
Dr. Victoria L. Greer
Interim Superintendent
FY23 Budget Planning
CPS invites students, families and staff to Save-the-Date for the FY23 Budget Virtual Community Meetings, where members of the CPS community can join Superintendent Greer and School Committee members to share their perspectives on the development of the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget.
- Staff: Wednesday, February 2 | 3 and 4PM
- Thursday February 3
- Amharic speaking families | 6PM
- Spanish speaking families | 7PM
- Cambridge family organizations | 8PM
- Saturday, February 12 | 10 and 11AM
Each session will last approximately one hour. Register here.
Whether or not you are able to attend a community meeting, please complete this year’s budget survey.
Your input is much appreciated.
What We're Celebrating This Month
Black History Month
The history of Black History Month dates back to 1915 when Carter G. Woodson and Jesse E. Moorland organized to research and promote achievements by Black Americans and other peoples of African descent. What is known today is that in 1926, the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) sponsored a national Negro History week during the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. In the 1960s, this evolved into Black History Month.In 1976, President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month.
In the Cambridge Public Schools, Black history is taught throughout the year. We focus not only on stories of oppression, but also agency and joy when teaching black history. In addition to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks, we teach about lesser known figures like Bayard Rustin, Ida B. Wells, Mary Church Terell, Daisy Bates and Fannie Lou Hamer.
Lunar New Year
This year, Lunar New Year begins tomorrow, Tuesday, February 1. It is one of the most important celebrations for many people of East and Southeast Asian descent with over 1.5 billion people across the world taking part in the festivities. For many, it is an occasion for traveling to family reunions and feasting together. The New Year Celebration is usually celebrated for 15 days from the first new moon of the lunar calendar until the full moon arrives. China’s Lunar New Year is known as the Spring Festival; Koreans call it Seollal, and Vietnamese refer to it as Tết Nguyên Đán. It is a time to put the past behind and look forward to a fresh start. Happy Year of the Tiger!
Help Us Support You to Support Your Child
We want to support you! Our Family Engagement Office is putting together a variety of parent workshops,
classes and events to help our families support their children. Please complete the survey below to share the
types of programming you would find most helpful.
Haitian Creole
CPS Recruiting Substitute Teachers!

CPS is recruiting day-to-day substitute teachers for all grade levels and for Special Education. Applicants must complete a CORI check, be fingerprinted and vaccinated.
- Bachelor’s Degree requirement waived for the 2021-2022 school year.
- Must have some educational experience
- Pay Rate: $161.59/day
Scholarship Opportunities for Seniors
CRLS Scholarship Application
The CRLS Scholarship application opens tomorrow, Tuesday, February 1. Friends of Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (FOCRLS) will award scholarships totaling $75,250 in 2022. Please visit https://crls.cpsd.us/ to apply.
The City of Cambridge Scholarship Program is accepting applications!
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Scholarship Fund, which provides financial assistance to college-bound high school seniors and other Cambridge residents who wish to pursue post-secondary education.
Apply at Cambridgema.gov/cityscholarship
DEADLINE: Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be a resident of Cambridge
- Must be attending, received admittance to or have an application pending at an accredited education institution beyond high school level prior to award date of May 2022
- Scholarship is paid directly to education institution and must be used during the 2022-2023 academic year.
- Prior recipients are NOT eligible as the City Scholarship Award is one-time only.
UPDATED COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine Protocols

As a reminder, we have further clarified our COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine Protocols for students and staff following some additional guidance and input. Please review the update thoroughly.
Questions? Please contact your school nurse
COVID-19 Vaccine, Booster Shot, and Testing Opportunities
CPS COVID Vaccination Requirement: CPS requires all students 12 and older to participate in CPS-sponsored before and after school activities. Submit your vaccination through the secure Family Portal to participate.
COVID Vaccination Opportunities:
- All ages welcome at POP-UP Vaccine Clinic with Boston Medical Center at Prospect Hill Academy Charter School: 1st dose-Monday, February 7, 2nd dose-Wednesday, March 2, Complete consent form here.
- Booster shots available for CRLS students at Teen Health Center: Every Tuesday from 8:30AM - 3PM, Appointment required-call 617-665-1548 or stop by center.
- Who’s eligible? CRLS students who received 2nd Pfizer COVID vaccine 5 or more months ago OR 2nd Moderna COVID vaccine 6 or more months ago.
- Go toVaxFinder to find a location near you.
- VaxAbilities hosts disability-friendly vaccine clinics with specialized staff to provide skilled support to individuals with disabilities and sensory support needs. Register here for upcoming clinics.
COVID Testing Opportunities: The City of Cambridge offers free COVID-19 testing to residents and workers at CIC Health (295 Third Street).
Appointment required (Monday - Friday: 5 - 10PM, Saturdays: 8AM - 8PM, Sundays: 2 - 8PM)
Caught Doing Good
Shout out to our wonderful custodial staff for the major clean-up effort following Saturday’s blizzard! These are just some members of the dedicated teams at Cambridgeport and CRLS. We appreciate you!  
Are you proud of something happening in your school, classroom or program? Share your
“Caught Doing Good” story with [email protected].
Featured Events
North Cambridge Courageous Conversation: Social Identity Workshops
North Cambridge Courageous Conversations is hosting a two-part workshop on social identities (i.e. how the groups you belong to identify you). The group will reflect on and discuss the facets of our identities to better understand how the world around us does or does not allow us to choose which pieces of our identity are most important.
All CPS parents and guardians are encouraged to attend both workshops.
Thursday, February 10 | 7-8:30PM
Questions? Contact [email protected]
School Calendar
CPS 2021-22 School calendar
Monday, February 21 - Friday, February 25 | February Break
Wednesday, March 16 | Early Release Day-JK-8 Only
Monday, April 18 - Friday, April 22 | April Break
In Case You Missed It: Key Resources
2022-23 JK/K Lottery: Closed for the 2022-23 school year; If you are interested in registering your child, visit our registration webpage for more information.
February CPS Lunch Menu: Week 1 (January 31-February 4)
UPDATED: COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine Protocols
COVID-19 Testing Consent Forms: Log in to the Family Portal
Student Vaccination Portal: Upload proof of vaccination or submit exemption requests through the secure Family Portal.
Student Vaccination Requirements Information: FAQ
CPS Quarantine Instructional Guidelines for SY2021-22
Free Internet for Qualifying Families: Comcast’s Internet Essentials Program