Upon registration, students at English Language proficiency levels 1-2 are recommended for the SEI Newcomer program. In this program, multilingual learners receive sheltered content area instruction in English from highly qualified SEI teachers. Teachers use curricula and methodologies specifically designed to promote academic English language skills, at the same time that students are learning grade-level content. The goal of the SEI Newcomer program is to prepare EL students to acquire the academic English language necessary to successfully participate in general education classes.
The following CPS schools offer Preschool-8 SEI programs:
- Kennedy-Longfellow School: SEI Grades Preschool - 5
- Graham & Parks School: SEI Program Grades Kindergarten - 5
- Vassal Lane Upper School: SEI Program Grades 6 - 8
Annual English language Assessment and Reclassification
Each school year, all English Learners (EL) take the ACCESS assessment to determine English language proficiency in speaking, reading, writing and listening. Students may exit the SEI Newcomer program at the end of school year based on ACCESS scores and classroom data. Upon exiting from the SEI Newcomer Program, students will enter the general education classroom with EL support.
Students exit from English Learner classification and no longer require an English Learner Education Program, when they achieve a 4.2 overall score as determined by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).