Greetings CPS Community…
Our staff participated in several very productive workshops yesterday during our third Professional Development Day. I am grateful for their commitment to growing as educators so they can best support our students’ learning.
At tonight’s School Committee meeting, we will welcome input from the public on the proposed Fiscal Year 2024 budget. As I shared during my presentation last week, the FY24 budget was thoughtfully designed in alignment with our District Plan objectives and following input from our families, staff, and students.
The investments demonstrate our intentionality in narrowing the achievement and opportunity gaps through delivering high-quality instruction, supporting our educators in their professional learning, supporting our youngest learners with the implementation of universal preschool, and centering equity in all of our work.
District Plan Objective 1: Deliver Ambitious Instruction
New Curriculum and Assessment Purchases for Math, English Language Arts, and Health
Strategic Tutoring & Acceleration Academics
District Plan Objective 2: Implement Accessible College & Career Pathways
District Plan Objective 3: Implement Effective Staff Learning & Support
District Plan Objective 4: Welcoming Schools & District
I look forward to hearing your perspectives again during the public hearing tonight.
Thank you for your continued support.
Make it Great!
Dr. Victoria L. Greer
MCAS Testing This Spring
Every spring, students across the state in grades 3-8 participate in the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS), which are tests that measure the degree to which students are learning the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks relative to the expectations for each grade level.
We strive each year to make MCAS as minimally disruptive to students and teachers and continue to prioritize a consistent, rigorous, and equitable learning experience for all students. We know families may have a lot of questions about MCAS.
Students Can Earn Free College Credit
The Early College Programis currently recruiting CRLS students who are interested in earning free college credit at Lesley University next school year. Students entering grades 10-12 in the fall can explore career opportunities in health sciences, art and design, and social work.

Free Job Assistance Program
Cambridge Works, the city’sTransitional Jobs Program, is recruiting applicants for its next session from April-June 2023. The program serves Cambridge residents between the ages of 18-35 who have difficulty finding full-time jobs due to limited work experience, a gap in work history, legal challenges, or personal issues.
Participants are prepared for full-time employment through:
A 3-month, paid internship
Professional development classes focusing on resume and cover letter writing, interview preparation, financial literacy, communication skills, and goal setting
Support from a case manager
Click here to learn more and apply.
Questions? Email Michael Merullo at [email protected]
Sacred Spaces Available for Ramadan
Ramadan begins tomorrow evening, March 22, and ends the evening of April 21. A reminder that any student or staff member who would like to pray during the school day is welcome to use the sacred spaces at each of our schools throughout the school year. The school’s Family Liaisons can help locate the sacred space.

Promoting Diversity in Education
Over the weekend, Cambridge Street Upper School hosted aDiversity in Education Hiring Fair. More than 40 school districts from across the state were there to recruit educators and administrators from diverse backgrounds with the goal of enhancing staff diversity in school districts. We were honored to host the event as it aligns with our district’s commitment to equity and inclusion.

Women’s History Month Art Contest. 
Friday is the deadline to enter the City of Cambridge’s Women’s History Month Art Contest. All residents are invited to submit photos of their artwork. This year’s theme is Friendship. Winners will receive a prize and their art will be displayed at City Hall.
Summer Programming

As we previously shared, the Office of Academics & Schools is in the process of sharing information about Academic Support Programs that will be open this summer for students in grades K-8.
The Cambridge JK-8 Summer Program and Opportunity Guide s also a great resource for families to learn about all of the options available!

Youth Equity Summit
Save the Date for this year’s Youth Equity Summit on April 13! This is a partnership between the Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (OEIB) and CRLS. High school students are currently working hard to plan an amazing day of workshops and events around the theme, “How do equity issues intersect in Cambridge?”
If you have an idea for a workshop or any questions about the event, please contact OEIB Youth Advocacy Specialist Sam Musher at [email protected].

Featured Events

Cambridge Community Iftar
The City of Cambridge invites families to attend the Cambridge Community Iftar. Iftar is the evening meal where Muslims break their fast after sunset during the Holy month of Ramadan.
Free Halal food will be served and space will be provided for evening prayer. Guests will learn more about Iftar from guest speakers and our students.
Wednesday, March 29 | 6PM
Cambridge Street Upper School(located at 850 Cambridge Street)
Registration is recommendedbut not required.
To view the full flyer, click here.
Free Food Markets

All families are welcome to stop by our free, school-based food markets. They offer fresh fruits, vegetables, and pantry items. Please bring your own bags.
Happening next week:
Lace Up Your Sneakers to Support Student-Athletes
The Friends of Cambridge Athletics (FOCA) invites families to participate in the 35th Annual Cambridge City Run/Walk 5K! Proceeds will fund CRLS athletic teams and scholarships for college-bound student-athletes.

For more information and to register, click here.

Beautifying St. John Over February Break
Peabody School 4th grade teacher, Sean D’Abbraccio, and his wife, Crystal, spent February break creating beautiful mosaic murals at a new children’s playground on the Caribbean island of St. John. Students from across the island helped them build the masterpiece in Cruz Bay. We are so proud of and grateful to Sean and Crystal for volunteering their time!

Students Tap Maple Trees
Second grade classes at the Haggerty School recently visited Fresh Pond Reservation to learn how to tap maple trees and make maple syrup. Students met with a Ranger, drilled holes in a few trees, and placed collection buckets underneath them. They will return over the next few weeks to bring back the sap, which will then be boiled down to make maple syrup. The goal is to make enough syrup for pancakes for the second grade family pancake breakfast later this spring!

Author Visits Students at Graham & Parks
Thank you to author Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow for a memorable visit with first and second grade students at Graham & Parks School on February 28! She read students two of her stories, Mommy’s Khimar and Your Name Is a Song. Thompkins-Bigelow also modeled beautiful khimars, answered questions, and got students to sing their names! She has two more books published in 2023. We can’t wait to read them!

Mark Your Calendar
Friday, April 7 | Good Friday (No School & CPS Offices Closed)
Monday, April 17 - Friday, April 21 | April Break (No School & CPS Offices Closed on Monday, April 17)
Wednesday, May 17 | Early Release Day (JK-8 only)
Monday, May 29 | Memorial Day (No School & CPS Offices Closed)
Key Resources