Special Education

The Office of Student Services (OSS) includes a variety of services, supports and programs dedicated to ensuring equitable access and success for students with disabilities. Services and supports include both special education and 504 services based on each student’s need and eligibility as outlined by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

The Office of Student Services is committed to ensuring that a continuum of services is provided that meet the unique needs of individual students. Services are provided for eligible students beginning at age 3 and continuing until the student’s 22nd birthday. A team of special education teachers, general education teachers, school administrators and related service providers work collaboratively with parents to develop educational goals and objectives as outlined in an Individualized Education Program/Plan (IEP).

continuum of services graphic
continuum of services key
*Programs designate a place in which various types of services are rendered mainly in a separate setting

*Services designate what is being rendered and can be rendered in and throughout various settings both general education and separate

**The continuum of services refers to the pyramid in which student’s services and programs are based on individual needs. Districts are required to offer services and supports that move across the continuum so that all student’s needs can be met. As student’s needs change, services may move up and/or down the continuum, preferably down. The continuum of services is fluid. This means that as needs change, services and service delivery can change.
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