COVID-19 Statement from the School Committee of Cambridge Public Schools

COVID-19 Statement from the School Committee of Cambridge Public Schools
Posted on 03/17/2020
The Cambridge School Committee recognizes the COVID-19 outbreak is having a significant impact on our community. The Committee and the District leadership team are working in collaboration and consultation with the Cambridge Public Health Department, the City of Cambridge, and state education and public health officials to make decisions regarding our response to this virus.

Regular School Committee business meetings will be adjusted based on an executive order signed by Governor Charlie Baker suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law to allow for remote participation including public comment. We are committed to hearing from the public and will consider multiple ways to provide public comment during remote School Committee meetings. Please visit the School Committee website for updates to the School Committee meeting schedule.

We wish to remind members of our community that all schools are closed in order to support social distancing, which means protecting the health of the community and individuals by reducing contact between individuals and groups. Social distancing requires maintaining a distance of approximately 6 feet from that outside of your household. This includes avoiding gatherings and places where it is difficult to maintain this level of distance. To learn more about social distancing review the latest guidance from the Cambridge Public Health Department.

This is an unprecedented situation for all of us. We are immensely grateful to our teachers, staff, administrators, students, families and community partners for working in a spirit of community to implement large-scale supports for distance learning, access to school meals and other vital needs. We especially express our gratitude to essential personnel who continue to provide necessary services in the community.

The Cambridge Public Schools community is strong, and we stand united in the face of this public health emergency.

Cambridge School Committee

Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui, Chair
Vice-Chair Manikka L. Bowman
Member Alfred B. Fantini
Member José Luis Rojas Villarreal
Member David J. Weinstein
Member Rachel B. Weinstein
Member Ayesha M. Wilson

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