Cambridge Public Schools to Design a Portrait of a Graduate

Cambridge Public Schools to Design a Portrait of a Graduate
Posted on 03/01/2023
Cross Sector Team to Create a Shared Vision for All Students

POG LogoCambridge Public Schools is thrilled to announce that it is designing a Portrait of a Graduate, a collective vision that captures the district’s aspirations for every student. CPS’s Portrait of a Graduate will serve as a cornerstone in guiding the work of school leaders and educators, preparing students to excel in the future.

“As school leaders, we must continually ask ourselves what hopes, dreams, and aspirations our community holds for our children,” said Superintendent Dr. Victoria Greer. “We want all Cambridge Public Schools students to have meaningful learning experiences that prepare them to be lifelong learners.”

A dynamic and diverse group of students, alumni, families, employers, higher education officials, community partners and leaders, and other individuals who work directly with students and young adults are leading the design of the Portrait. Previous work, such as the student-designed Mission, Vision, and Core Values and elements of the Instructional Framework will also be leveraged in the design process.

Dr. Nicole Gittens, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools, is looking forward to involving key stakeholders in this work.

“We welcome the diverse voices of our community to help us craft a Portrait that represents and reflects a shared vision for all of our students and supports our District Plan objectives of delivering ambitious instruction and effective supports and implementing accessible college and career pathways.”

The district plans to share its progress of the Portrait of a Graduate work with families and community members throughout the process.
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