Academic Intervention For Students In General Education Classrooms

Students with Individual Education Programs (IEPs) who can be fully included in a general education classroom may require modified instruction, classroom accommodation, or focused educational remediation. The following services may be offered based on a student’s IEP goals and objectives.

Special Educator
Special Educators are available to help students who meet the criteria for special education services and are struggling to meet the demands of the general education curriculum. Students are taught using a structured, sequential, multi-sensory, systematic reading and language arts approach to instruction. Services may be provided through in-class support or outside of the general education classroom support.

Special Educators collaborate with general education teachers and specialists around learning styles, differentiated instruction, curricula modifications, environmental accommodations, alternative assessments, etc. They meet with classroom teachers to monitor student progress and coordinate instruction. Re-phrasing directions, providing additional cues to the students, modifying assignments and/or providing increased feedback to the student are all examples of special education techniques that may support learning within a general education classroom.

Students may also meet with special educators in small groups outside of their regular classes. Specialized instruction may focus on specific skill development, learning strategies, and organizational strategies, among others. Services may be supportive of class assignments or may remediate distinct areas of skill deficiency. This model provides a less stimulating environment for highly distractible students, offering the opportunity for more focused and successful learning.

Inclusion Specialist
Inclusion Specialists consult with classroom and special education teachers to discuss a student’s performance and identify appropriate interventions, accommodations and modifications. Their goal is to work with classroom teachers to provide a consistent approach to curriculum that will help students function successfully within the general education classroom.

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