Letter from Dr. Greer: January 2017

Happy New Year,

I am so excited about the possibilities for 2017. I am also pleased with the growth that we are seeing in our students. I have had the pleasure of speaking with teachers and parents about their work and experience which has been very helpful to the work that we do everyday.

This semester is filled with many events and activities that are designed to support our students, families and educators. We kicked off January with the Office of Student Services Round Table with the School Committee (https://goo.gl/Bi2nTq). I am pleased to be part of the planning for our 2nd Annual Transition Fair which is co-sponsored by the Cambridge Parent Advisory Council on Special Education in February.

Transition planning is a very important part of the special education process for students beginning at age 14. This is the time when school staff assist students and their families with exploring opportunities for students post high school. Therefore, as a department, we have placed an intensive focus on this area and hope to increase educator, student and family awareness and understanding, as well as support students and their families in long-term planning for the future. Lastly, I am pleased to announce that the 2017 annual Conference for the Council for Exceptional Children will be held in Boston on April 19-22. The theme for the conference is “All Educators, All Students, No Limits.” We believe that this is a wonderful opportunity to participate as general and special education partners and attend the conference as a team, therefore, the Office of Student Services is sponsoring the attendance of school teams that are willing to return to the district and share their practices with the broader Cambridge School community. There will be an application process to choose school teams to attend the conference.

In the January edition of our Newsletter you will learn more about Inclusive Educational Practices, Transition Planning, Professional Development opportunities and much more. I hope you enjoy this edition.

Make It Great!!

Victoria L. Greer, PhD 

Assistant Superintendent
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