Cambridge City Nature Art Challenge Winners

Cambridge City Nature Art Challenge Winners
Posted on 08/10/2021
Green Cambridge and Cambridge Local First (CLF) have announced the winners of the 2021 Cambridge City Nature Art Challenge. Fourth-grade winner Maya E., a student at Graham & Parks School, drew “The Basketball Journey at Riverside Press Park,” in which a Coyote, Eastern Cottontail, and Mallard enjoy a game of basketball.

Entries were required to depict animal or plant species from a list of over 1,000 observed on the iNaturalist platform in the Boston area during this year’s City Nature Challenge, a global citizen science event occurring annually in early spring.

Raji, an art teacher for the summer program at the Cambridge Community Center, says “the children enjoyed learning about and making art about all the different wild species that are our neighbors.” Fresh Pond Reservation’s Ranger Tim Puopolo, reported it was difficult to choose winners among the Grade 1–5 students. He selected two student artworks per grade as winners. Cambridge Wildlife Arts Coordinator Julie Croston judged the Grade 6 entries, a category in which there was one winner selected. These winners will receive gift cards to a local art supply store, Artist & Craftsman. In addition, Green Cambridge randomly selected ten of the Kindergartners who entered artwork to receive a gift of art supplies. The contest was open to students in Cambridge Public Schools and children in Cambridge OST programs.

Here is the full list of Grade 1–6 winners.

Grade 1

Emery S., Fletcher Maynard Academy, “The Magnificent Bird“
Local Species: Mourning Dove

Aurora C., Shady Hill School/Cambridge Center for Families, “Out My Window“
Local Species: Mourning Dove and Sassafras

Grade 2

Miro V., Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary, “Robin’s Nest”
Local Species: Robin

Rebecca A., Roger Clap Elementary (Boston)/Cambridge Community Center, “Springing Animals”
Local Species: Coyote, Small Copper, Butterfly Spring Crocus

Grade 3

Annika C., Tobin Montessori, “Fresh Pond Heron“
Local Species: Great Blue Heron

Mira R., Morse Elementary, “Golden-crowned Sparrow”
Local Species: Golden-crowned Sparrow

Grade 4

Marina K., Haggerty Elementary, “Red Bellied Woodpecker “
Local Species: Red-bellied Woodpecker
Marina K., Haggerty Elementary, “Red Bellied Woodpecker “ Local Species: Red-bellied Woodpecker
Maya E., Graham & Parks Elementary/Cambridge Community Center “The Basketball Journey at Riverside Press Park”
Local Species: Coyote, Eastern Cottontail, Small Copper (butterfly), Purple Coneflower,
Common Dandelion, Red Trillium, Mallard, American Red Squirrel
Maya E., Graham & Parks Elementary/Cambridge Community Center “The Basketball Journey at Riverside Press Park” Local Species: Coyote, Eastern Cottontail, Small Copper (butterfly), Purple Coneflower, Common Dandelion, Red Trillium, Mallard, American Red Squirrel

Grade 5
Elizabeth S., Peabody Elementary, “Meadow Jumping Mouse “
Local Species: Meadow Jumping Mouse and White Oak

Alexander S., Graham & Parks, “Spotted Turtle “
Local Species: Spotted Turtle

Grade 6
Lilia H., Rindge Ave Upper School, “Cute Mouse by her Burrow”
Local Species: Meadow Jumping Mouse
Lilia H., Rindge Ave Upper School, “Cute Mouse by her Burrow” Local Species: Meadow Jumping Mouse

About Green Cambridge:
Green Cambridge works to create a more sustainable city and to protect the environment for the health and safety of all.

About Cambridge Local First:
The mission of CLF is to support, promote, and celebrate a “Local Economy Community” by educating the public and government about the significant environmental, economic, and cultural benefits of a strong local economy.
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