FAQs from the Office of Student Services

FAQs from the Office of Student Services
Posted on 04/17/2020
Read an updated list of FAQs here >>

Dear OSS Families and Community,

Here are the responses to the frequently asked questions this week.

IEP Services
Will my child be eligible for compensatory or additional services when the district reopens?
The district is providing your child’s services as best as possible given the certain circumstances, however, whether a student is entitled to receive compensatory or additional services because of the school’s closure is an individualized determination to be made by the IEP team when the district reopens. Previous guidance regarding compensatory services was based on the two-week closure. That information is no longer valid given the extended closure.

My child is attending an OOD, but she/he/they also receive services in-district as outlined in her/his/their IEP?

Please contact your child’s case manager for questions regarding in-district services.

When can I expect the delivery of direct services (Model 2) to start?
As communicated in last week’s correspondence, case managers are connecting with families to develop plans to implement Model 2.

How will summer services be addressed?
CPS will provide more guidance in the upcoming weeks regarding summer services.

Will CPS hold IEP meetings during the emergency closure?
Starting in May, CPS will begin to hold remote IEP meetings in a prescribed and systematic manner. Additional guidance is forthcoming.

My child is currently located in another state. Can I continue to expect the provision of related services?
If your child is currently is located out of state, please contact your child’s case manager for further assistance

Remote Learning
How will I be notified when my child’s teacher/related service provider is providing instruction online?
Your child’s case manager will provide a schedule of when special education and related services will be provided. If you have questions or concerns, please email your child’s case manager.

What modes of remote service delivery can I expect for my child?
Each case manager will plan with parents/caregivers to make the determination of which modes of remote service delivery is best for the student to access. Live sessions and prerecorded sessions are options that can be included as part of a student’s learning plan, however, if it's determined that a particular mode is not the best way to provide services to the student (i.e. either because of disability, inadequate access to technology, etc.) then case manager will work with the parent/caregiver to identify a more appropriate match.

Is the waiver only for students receiving specialized services remotely?
The district has addressed the provision of all supports and instruction virtually as it pertains to every student in the district. Previous communication stated that parents must sign before services start. However, the district's policy is that parents do not have to sign the waiver. If you have questions or concerns about virtual learning or wish for your child to opt-out, please contact Steve Smith.

Can I record the lessons?
Please do not record the online or telephone-based lessons/therapies.

How should I prepare my child for online learning?
Prepare your child before the lesson starts. Even though students are learning online, they should still follow classroom etiquette: be on time; respect other students; be respectful of classmates, teachers, and property; come prepared with completed work. All other screens (television, phones, and iPads should be turned off to prevent additional distractions).

How can I see what assignments my child’s teacher has assigned?
Please check Google Classroom and Aspen for all assignments and projects.

Additional Parent Support

I am an Out of District parent/caregiver. Due to current circumstances, I am experiencing certain hardships. How can CPS help?

Please contact Zuleka Queen-Postell, the SEPAC liaison. She will help to assist you.

I am not receiving any communication from the district? What should I do?
Please contact Desiree Campbell, Senior Secretary, or Zuleka Queen-Postell, the SEPAC liaison.

I don’t know how to use technology? Will CPS offer guidance and training for parents regarding Google Meet, chromebooks, etc.?
If you are unable to use the technology, please contact your child’s Case Manager or Zuleka Queen-Postell, the SEPAC liaison.

District Resources for Parents to Use at Home
To access resources suggested by the district, please visit CPS@Home.
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